The Shift

by The Shift.



welcome shifter,Before you get lazy to read what THE SHIFT is, I want to tell you something that will make you understand it without going around too much.In our computers we use the "shift" key when we want (consciously) to change or modify something on our keyboard, when we want instead of typing what is set to automatic, to type something new, something different.I think that with this, you can get an idea that talking about “The Shift” means talking about a change.But being integral people we need to take care of different areas and environments to see a really important change/progress in us.With that in mind, we created our 4 pillars: BODY, MIND, NUTRITION & MASTERCLASSES.And we know that a road feels more beautiful when you are not alone. For this reason, the most important thing in THE SHIFT is to move forward as a family. We are a community that is uplifted and encouraged to continue to seek your progress, whatever that means to you.I want to remind you that if there is something you have not achieved before, it is not because you cannot or because it is not for you, it is because you gave up before reaching the goal, but also remember that you do not need to reach a specific goal to feel fulfilled. and happy.The daily process of taking steps towards you, allows you to live your life, like this, in love, gratitude and magic, but its all about making that shift.Thanks for reading this far, we hope to see you soon at The Shift :)